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All in Button white

€12,90 EUR
Sale price €12,90 EUR
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Tax included.
Available for immediate delivery


The button is printed on both sides, is very handy and easy to recognize. Who hasn't experienced this? Players listen to music or play on their cell phones to appear as indifferent as possible. However, some players are so distracted that they barely notice what is happening in the game. With the All In button, every player will know straight away what is happening at the table. Unlike the dealer button, the white button is not round, but square, so it cannot be confused with a dealer button.

The All In Button is already widely used in the USA and Asia.

Thickness: approx. 1 cm
Length: approx. 8.50 cm
Width: approx. 6 cm

Manufacturer data:

4 Aces
Hindenburgstr. 19
45127 Essen, Germany

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