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Bicycle Aviator

€8,90 EUR
Sale price €8,90 EUR
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A piece of nostalgia: the Aviator playing cards in the Heritage Edition embody the time when traveling by plane was still a matter for real pioneers. A time when you needed a lot of courage to move above the clouds. A time when not everyone was able to fly. With the Aviator playing cards, this time is now within your reach.


The Heritage Edition of the Aviator playing cards is the perfect accessory for pioneers and real men. A deck of cards for brave guys with an iron will and leather aviator jackets.


Around 90 years after the first Aviator playing cards hit the shops, there is now a new edition that, just like the old original, was inspired by Howard Hughes, the aviation pioneer of the 20th century. On the back pattern, his H-1 airplane is symbolically depicted on a flight route around the world.

Manufacturer data:

Turnovatoren 14 box 1
Turnhout, Belgium, 2300

ACHTUNG! "Nicht für Kinder unter drei Jahren geeignet."