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Copag Unique playing cards

€22,00 EUR
Sale price €22,00 EUR
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Nur noch 1 auf Lager


Copag Unique cards are made from 100% plastic, manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility in Brazil. They offer the durability of plastic, but with the authentic feel of paper cards. When you shuffle and deal these Unique playing cards , you will be amazed by the buttery smooth surface. They are less prone to bending or damage. Unlike paper cards, they can be washed and cleaned. Therefore, a single deck of Copag cards will last up to 50 times longer than a paper deck.

Manufacturer data:

SoftWare Station Bt.
Fazekas Mihály utca 29
Szigetbecse, Hungary, 2321

ACHTUNG! "Nicht für Kinder unter drei Jahren geeignet."