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Monarchs navy

€12,90 EUR
Sale price €12,90 EUR
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Known worldwide as one of the best types of playing cards.

The Monarchs playing cards are made of high-quality and FSC-certified paper. The surface is treated with Premium 909 finish and the edges are cleanly cut. The Monarchs playing cards have excellent running properties and are ideal for faro techniques. The pattern on the back of the cards shows 2 snakes. The Latin saying "de duobus malis, minus est semper eligedum" is shown on the edge, which means "of two evils, always choose the lesser". The Monarchs playing cards are very popular with countless professional magicians. The Monarchs cards were also seen in the blockbuster film "Now you see me".

Manufacturer data:

Sognevejen 18
Trige, Denmark, 8380

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