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Shuffle Tech Flush Mount Kit

€249,00 EUR
Sale price €249,00 EUR
Sale Sold out


The Shuffle Tech Flush Mount Kit (FMK) is an optional accessory for installing your Shuffle Tech ST-1000 automatic card shuffler into a poker table.

Flush Mount Kit for your Shuffle Tech ST-1000 card shuffler.

You need this kit if you want to install your Shuffle Tech ST-1000 card shuffler into a poker table.

The Shuffle Tech flush mount kit is designed for easy installation on your poker table and can be removed and reinstalled at any time. When the machine is installed, cards are ejected from the top tray rather than the side presentation tray. [The switch on the bottom of the unit allows you to change the unit from tabletop to flush mount mode.] Dimensions (outer circumference): 10 3/8″ x 8 1/8″.

Manufacturer data:

SoftWare Station Bt.
Fazekas Mihály utca 29
Szigetbecse, Hungary, 2321

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