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Shuffle Tech MDS-6

€349,00 EUR
Sale price €349,00 EUR
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Our new MDS-6 Multi-Deck Card Shuffler is the best multi-deck machine on the market. This machine effortlessly shuffles up to 6 full decks at once. Whether you're playing Blackjack, Canasta, or any other game with multiple decks of cards, this machine will reduce the waiting time while shuffling the cards. We recommend using high-quality plastic cards.

- Operation with direct current or batteries (4 x D)

- Solid construction with 1 year warranty

Please also check out our Shuffle Tech ST-1000 Automatic Card Shuffler if you need a machine that shuffles only one deck at a time, in an improved way!

Below you will find a comprehensive list of card games, which also shows the required number of cards for each game:

Manufacturer data:

SoftWare Station Bt.
Fazekas Mihály utca 29
Szigetbecse, Hungary, 2321

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